I am very proud to announce the birth of my second son – Felix George Palazzari. He was born 4/29/11 at 7:22pm after an astonishing 36 hours of labor. He is 8lbs 2oz and both he and mom are doing fantastic! I am in awe of my wife’s ability to go through a lengthy labor (without pain meds) and turn around and start caring for our children the next minute. Mothers are simply amazing. So, please remember this coming Mothers’ Day, to honor your mom for the pain and sacrifice she went through to bring you to this earth. I, for one, have no better reminder than what we have just been through.
Also thanks to all my patients for understanding my being away from the office for a few days. I will be back Monday, ready to go. For the next month, I will be in the office everyday, but with some shortened hours, so I can be there for my wife and newborn son. And I’ll have pictures to share.
Congratulations, Dr. P! This is such exciting news! I didn’t see this post until now. We’re thrilled for you and hope all is well with the new babe!