Q. I am sick with a runny nose and a cough, with or without a fever. Do I have COVID-19 and what should I do?
A. We are currently assuming that anyone who has respiratory symptoms that are not explained by another illness, like flu, may have COVID-19 and should behave accordingly. This means isolating yourself from other people, including your family until:
- You are fever free for at least 72 hours and
- Your symptoms are improving and
- It’s been at least 7 days since you got sick
Q. I have had close contact with someone with diagnosed COVID-19 but I’m not sick. What should I do?
A. The incubation period of COVID-19 is 2-14 days. Anyone with a known exposure should self-quarantine at home for 14 days. This means not leaving the house and avoiding close contact with others.
Q. Who should be tested?
A. This is a rapidly changing concern. Currently, hospitals are only testing patients that are being admitted. The CDC recommends testing symptomatic patients at high risk for complications such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions which would impact severity of disease OR symptomatic patients who have close contact with a known or suspect case or have had travel to an area with a high risk of transmission. There may be other case by case situations which require testing.
Q. Where can I get a test?
A. Testing supplies are very limited and being used in very limited circumstances. Do NOT go to a hospital, lab, urgent care or ED to be tested as you will potentially be turned away. If you think you need to be tested, our providers are reviewing each case individually.
Q. Who is high risk?
A. High risk individuals are:
- Patients over age 60
- Patients with serious chronic health conditions that are likely to make the condition worse (such as COPD, uncontrolled heart disease or diabetes, chronic kidney disease)
- Those who are immunocompromised (such as undergoing chemotherapy, transplant recipients or taking immunosuppressant drugs)